Besiekiery Castle

Besiekiery Castle (Polish: Zamek w besiekierach) is a castle in the Polish village of Besiekiery. It was built by the Łęczyca voivod Lawrence Sokolowski at the end of the XV century. The knights' headquarters had a tower and was surrounded by a moat, the remains of which are visible today.


In the year 1597, Cardinal Andrzej Batory rebuild castle. The next conversion after Swedish flood damage was taken by Łęczycka Starosta Jan Szczawiński in 1655. His coat of arms "Prawdzic" yet acted on the cartouche. In the eighteenth century castle was in the hands of Gajewskich who lowered their residential building by one floor. Built of brick on the rectangle plan had drawbridge leading to the most forward section of the wall outside the south peripheral gate tower. After leaving castle in 1800 it was never inhabited again, and slowly fell into disrepair.

Quite large ruins of the building survived. The entrance to the ruins is free of charge. Finding the monument is very easy-it is visible from the road. Reaching the ruins requires overcoming the moat and them climbing up the hill. Perhaps in the future a bridge over the moat will be completed.

The origin of the castle in Besiekiery vanishes in the darkness of history. According to some research the castle was built in 1500 by the province governor of Łęczyca, Mikołak Sokołowski od Pomian coat of arms. However, none of the well-known documents does not confirm the existence of such clerk. Another hypothesis attributes the erection of the stronghold to esquire carver of Brzeski,Wojaciech Sokołowski as a builder of the castle. Thus, it might be assumed that the building was erected by Mr. Sokołowski at the turn of the XVth and XVIth century. Later history of the monument is now better known. It is known that at the end of the XVIth century the castle belonged to Andrzej Batory, and then it was often changing hands. Unfortunately the foundation did not survive too long in a good condition. Yet in the XVIIth century it began to deteriorate and its existence was ended in the fire in 1731. The then owners, the Gajewskis, disassembled the second storey, and in the middle of the XIXth century the castle fulfilled only economic functions.

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